Movement Art Series with 

Joan White Hansen

Dance Your Soul Art
beginning October 28, 2022

JourneyDance & Dance your Soul Art Series with Joan White Hansen

Tap into the creative force your spirit is craving to express.  If you desire to release old blocks and messages around ART, the “I can’t”, “I’m not an artist”, “I don’t know how or I’m not good at art” blocks, this combination of music, movement and your artistic expression brings you the feeling of wholeness and worthiness. Join Joan White-Hansen for this dive into artistic creation. Each 90 minute session will include dance, guidance on the creative process, time to create and sharing. 

With her vast experience in JourneyDance as a healing form, Joan will offer opportunities to open portals in your awareness and imagination through the dance, feel into the senses in your body and translate those in a visual expression. More than ever these times are meant for us to step into our creative and innovative personal selves, explore freedom in different means of expression and be a bit bolder in that expression. This may be your beginning, or a continuation of a path you’ve been exploring. Step in, open the valve, spread the color and the joy that comes with joining a group of others in this journey of self-discovery.

A space to dance and a few basic supplies are all you will need, as well as a willingness to take risks and have fun with your imaginative, inventive and curious self.

You will:
  • Access state of awareness and dream states with movement and visual expression
  • Open the invitation of self-expression through color and form
  • Experience unlimited possibilities working with images in our dreams and imagination
  • Unlock your curiosity and creativity
  • Become willing to make the first splash or movement on the paper 

Meet Your Guide
Joan White Hansen
Joan White-Hansen is a Senior JourneyDance Facilitator on the Teacher Training Staff and has been a teacher of JourneyDance for 13 years. Trained in the Embodied Transformation Method, she creates opportunities for others to reach for the possibility of feeling whole; creating the life they choose from a place of strength. Joan is currently is designing a program that provides for the experience of embodied dance to integrate with the inner artist, Dancing Your Soul Art. As a dancer, artist, mentor, leader in outdoor excursions, public and private school art enrichment educator and circus artist in residence, she taps into the massive potential and power of love and resilience of the human spirit.
What You Will Need for this Art Series...

To make this simple and possible for many, I’m suggesting these basic art supplies.
If you have any extra art supplies on hand, have them with you and incorporate them if you feel called. is one online art supply resource, (there are many!) or you may have a local craft or art store to purchase supplies.

We will use a water soluble tempera paint for a variety of reasons. (low cost so you can use as much as you desire, dries quickly and can easily be painted over). I will also recommend a particular weight of paper, but if you have paper you’d like to try you can use what you have. Thick is important to hold up to layers of paint.

Tempera Paints: (I’ve used different brands, Dick Premium Grade Tempera is a good one).

8 ounce or quart size of colors:
Orange, magenta, red, blue, green, turquoise, brown.

For these colors, you may want to have 2 of each, for they tend to be used more:
Yellow, White, Black

4-8 sheets of grade 80 lb white, 18x24 or 24x26.
The process we use invites the painter to experience an unlimited amount of space, or at least as much space as you have in the room to paint. To truly feel the abundance and expansiveness of the process, we sometimes want to paint larger and continue painting ‘off of the page’. To accomodate this we tape our paper together on the back, when we feel the desire to grow the painting.

*Printing Supply Stores or Printing Shops may have odds and ends at a lower cost too. Or paper on a roll if you intend to use more in your future creative endeavors.

If you already have any painting brushes, start with these. If you enjoy this experience, it may be worth your while to purchase higher quality brushes. A variety of sizes is best, size 0 for details, size 8 and size 16. You may also use house painting brushes, sponges, cloth, etc.

Ceremonial Objects:
Feel free to have a few objects that connect you to your source, your creativity, your inner wise inspirational being. We will be dancing as well, so keep in mind space, etc. Candles, colorful images, rocks, water, etc. may help you create an intentional sacred space.

- old newspapers, drop cloths, old sheets
- 2 inch wide masking tape for taping together painting paper
- painters tape for taping paintings to wall, won’t peel paint from a wall
- push pins if attaching paper to a wall
- quart size water container
- large plastic/paper plate or plastic egg cartons for palette
- 1-2 plastic spoons for mixing paints
- 1-2 rags for spills and hands
- plastic wrap or plastic bag for covering palette
